Come and join other young people (age 16 to 35) interested in meditation and Buddhism!

In the ancient Dhaniya Sutta we meet the farmer Dhaniya. He’s wealthy, has the ‘perfect partner’ and a comfortable home. He has economic stability, material security, a loving family and a successful business. Before long he comes face to face with the Buddha and finds himself in an exchange with the Enlightened individual in the midst of what he thinks of as his security.

Join Ksantikara to explore this dynamic exchange between the normal man and the Buddha. Over the day we will investigate the ways in which we cover up our own existential situations, exploring our own relationships to accumulation and renunciation. Together we’ll start to discover how we can shape our lives to go beyond the mundane and begin to encounter Enlightenment.

We’ll start the seminar with a guided meditation on the pleasures, subtleties, and mysteries of the breath, drawn from the Anapanasati practice taught by the Buddha. The language for the event will be English.

Ksantikara is 31 and is the chair of the North London Buddhist Centre. He lived for three years at Adhisthana to convene the Triratna young people’s project across Europe. Before that, he lived and worked at the London Buddhist Centre for 5 years. Ksantikara has been visiting Finland a couple of times before, giving talks, leading retreats and getting to know young the young people of Helsinki.

The day will include teaching, meditation, and discussion. Come along, whether you’re new to Buddhism and meditation, or have been practicing for a while. Sign up for the event below!

Saturday 18.5.2024
10.30 – 10.45 arriving
10.45 – 14.00 meditation and seminar
After the event, come along and join us for lunch close by!

Töölön kirjasto, Topeliuksenkatu 6, ryhmätila 1 (in the basement)

This event is run on the basis of dāna, which is a sanskrit word for generosity. Dāna is an essential buddhist practice rooted in ethics. The practice of dāna has the potential of opening us up to a deeper wisdom.

We suggest a 30-40 € donation to the Triratna Helsinki centre, so that the Buddha’s teaching may be available in future times. However, making a donation is not a requirement for participating in this event. We encourage you to give as little or as much as you can.

Payment info
Short number 89740
Please write reference number 10333 in the message field.

Buddhalainen yhteisö Triratna ry
Nordea FI8410173000211337
Reference number 10333

Booking below


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